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ClioAir Connect™ IoT Workstations

Featuring ClioConnect™ software for optimized fleet management

ClioAir Connect, ClioConnect

Changing Workflows with IoT Enabled Workstations

ClioConnect™ is an IoT-enabled solution for fleet management, involving the new ClioAir Connect™ EMR/technology cart and ClioConnect Fleet Management dashboard. 

Through the Fleet Management dashboard, a single—or group of administrators with internal or third-party service provider—can manage an entire fleet of carts in multiple departments and locations.

Administrators and users are empowered to...

Relative Location Tracking

See the relative location of every cart in the fleet.

Ticket Management

Create new service tickets and triage, troubleshoot, decommission carts, release and close service tickets created directly from the ClioAir Connect carts.

Ticket Monitoring

View all open and closed service tickets, the service requirement and time to resolution of a service issue.

Cart Assignment & Standards

Assign carts to specific buildings and departments. 

Create cart standards for specific disciplines, departments and use cases by assigning the peripheral technology integrated to each cart in the fleet.

Efficient Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot open service tickets from the dashboard, accessing the vast, available information from a powered cart’s battery and power controller.

Ensure that, if a service technician is deployed, they arrive onsite with the right part(s) in the last known location of the cart.

Cart Utilization Tracking

Continuously monitor cart utilization as they’re automatically categorized as optimally-, under- and over-utilized. This supports capital expense planning through redeployment of underutilized carts where they are immediately needed.

ClioConnect Software

Cart service, connected to the cloud

Each ClioAir Connect™ workstation comes equipped with the sophisticated IoT software ClioConnect™.

Created to be IT team-friendly, ClioConnect is a cloud-based solution that enables power system data to be pushed through to a cloud server to be remotely diagnosed by the Altus service team. The software reduces equipment downtime while improving staff satisfaction during troubleshooting.

The Value of ClioConnect

Clinical Teams

Enhances Beside Care

Streamline Workflows

Real-time Data Access

Simplifies Administrative Tasks

Improved Ergonomics

Supply Chain

Advanced Analytics

Cart Inventory Optimization

Cost Management Strategies

Equipment Availability

IT Teams

Integration with IT Systems

Certified Data Security Features

Intuitive Dashboard

Reduce IT Workload

Proactive Battery Monitoring

ClioAir Connect next to Hospital Bed

Smart Carts, Smarter Care

Contact Team Altus for next steps:

  • Pre-configured setup through IT collaboration 
  • Instant & reliable data transmission (FIPS certified) 
  • Automated internet connectivity 
  • Licensing, warranties, and active directory integration options 
  • Selecting cart accessories

Contact us to get started.